I would like to mention about someone who lives and works internationally at our hometown. His name is Niyazi Genca. He is a great photographer. Let you know him better with his own words and then I will mention more about his art.


"My name is Niyazi and I live in Cappadocia. I was living in Istanbul but moved to Cappadocia 3 years ago. I worked in telecommunication companies nearly 20 years and get retired.
Because of photography I traveled too much and see lots of places in and out Türkiye. I am dealing with photography for a very long time. It was just a hobby become a professional photographer in Cappadocia.
I like to meet new people all around the world here and discover the area with them. I am photographing people with balloons, horses and fairy chimneys around Cappadocia. When you visit here, you will find yourself in a science fiction movie in this magiagical land and collect memories you will never forget.
My instagram account is @niyazigenca and hope to see you in Cappadocia one day."

I would like to share some of his besties.

You may feel the historical energy with this picture;


These are wild horses and they live around Erciyes mountain.


Cappadocia Art.


If you like to see more of his Cappadocia art please follow Niyazi Gencagadroots.com because we are not just Leather Good enthusiast. We are big fan of nature and natural artists.

Have a great day!

GAD Roots

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